Sociology in Action is the brand new and only sociology club on campus.
A message from the club president:
Welcome to the world of Sociology, where all things are great and beautiful. My name is Angel Osuna and I am one of the leaders of Sociology in Action, the Sociology club on campus. The club is focused on providing an inclusive space for all students to continue the learning process of Sociology through action and discourse. Please join Sociology in Action and join us for an event. You can keep yourself up to date with our events by joining the Facebook page: UCSD Sociology Undergrads. Please feel free to ask any questions on there or send me an email for further details at and I will answer any questions you may have. Again, welcome to the world of Sociology and hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes this quarter,
Angel Osuna
For updates on events and GBMs, please visit UCSD Sociology Undergrads.
We have created UCSD Sociology Undergrads in the hopes of creating a space where sociology undergraduate students at UC San Diego (majors and minors) get to share information with everyone regarding any opportunities, important information regarding the department, campus, classes, etc., and to promote conversation between sociology students, as well as give and receive advice from one another.
For example:
- SOC Student #1: Hey has anyone taken SOCI 152: Social Inequality and Public Policy with Isaac Martin? Considering taking it, what’s it like?
- SOC Student #2: Oh my god he is an amaaazzzing lecturer!! Class comprised of a couple of short reading quizzes and assignments that prepped you for the final paper (like thesis, intro, bibliography etc.)
- SOC Student #3: Yeah pretty good class. I have the books if you wanna buy them from me?
TRELS Scholarship:
Interested in a 10-week paid experiential learning opportunity? Then check out the TRELS Summer Research Program!
The Summer TRELS (Triton Research and Experiential Learning Scholar) program is now open for applications! Students from any of College are eligible to apply for this $5,000 award.
ERC TRELS Scholarship
Are you a current ERC student? Then check out the ERC- TRELS Scholarship opportunity from Sociology Professor and ERC Provost Ivan Evans:
The ERC Summer TRELS is special: ERC Provost Ivan Evans would like to send 2 ERC students to South Africa on a 2020 Summer TRELS. The award would be used to intern with Greenpop, an environmental NGO based in Cape Town. Learn more about Greenpop here:
Provost Evans is looking for students who are open-minded, enjoys adventure and committed to social justice. A particular interest in environmental or human rights issues would be excellent, but is not a deal-breaker. The students should be prepared to engage in service work centering around reforestation projects and environmental programs in Cape Town city. A $5000 TRELS would cover all aspects of an internship with Greenpop, including travel, food and accommodation. The internship can last from 4-6 weeks depending on the student’s schedule and stamina. All you need to do is go!
- Has to be an ERC student
- May not be a senior student who will graduate before January 1, 2021. Sophomores or juniors would be ideal
- Must be prepared to submit a 12-20 page reflection piece on their internship experience in and present it at the UCSD Undergraduate Research Conference in Spring 2021
- Deadline to apply is Friday, April 3rd
Alpha Kappa Delta is the International Sociology Honor Society. Membership in Alpha Kappa Delta is an earned honor and is limited to undergraduate and graduate students in sociology (majors, minors, and those who are interested in sociology) who have maintained a record of high academic achievement, and sociology faculty members. Membership in Alpha Kappa Delta is an earned honor. Once you join, you become a lifetime member. Your membership may be used on your resume, applications for graduate school, and job applications.
AKD was founded in 1920 at the University of Southern California by Dr. Emory S. Bogardus and became affiliated with the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) in 1967. AKD is also affiliated with the American Sociological Society (ASA).
Applications to the program must be submitted to the Sociology Department occur each Spring Quarter. The deadline for last academic year was: Friday May 3, 2019, Spring Quarter. The new deadline will be posted soon.
Application/ payment are only accepted until the application date.
Applications will be considered incomplete until payment for membership ($50) and/or any AKD paraphernalia is submitted to the Department of Sociology (SSB 401). Please see the following page for our current hours.
Student Member Research Travel Grant
The purpose of this program is to award funds to AKD student members who present at regional sociology conferences.
Up to $400/student, but no more than $1,200 per chapter may be awarded.
Deadlines: Fall: September 20, 2018| Winter: January 31, 2019 | Spring: February 28, 2019
AKD Mentorship Program
The purpose of this program is to provide an opportunity for all AKD members, both students and faculty, to connect and network with other AKD members and professionals in the field.
Deadline: Fall: September 15, 2018 | Spring: February 1, 2019
Undergraduate Student Paper Competition
Undergraduate AKD members are encouraged to submit their papers for a chance to win cash prizes and up to $1,000 in travel money to attend the ASA annual conference.
Deadline: March 1, 2019
Checkout our quarterly E-Newsletter for opportunities, events, and all updates concerning sociology!
2017-18 School Year
We strive to get our undergraduate students involved in Sociology. For updates and more ways to get involved in Sociology events (like our 2016 Instagram Challenge!), here are ways you can stay connected: