Transferring to UC San Diego
UC San Diego has a variety of tools to help make the transition from community college seamless. For example, students in the surrounding San Diego area may be eligible to enroll in UniversityLink for guaranteed admission to UC San Diego! There are resources that you may find helpful as you prepare to continue your education at one of the best public institutions in the nation!
In addition to meeting and talking with your community college counselor, visit the UC Transfer Admissions Planner. The University of California system has developed an online tool designed to help prospective UC students who are transferring from California community colleges track and plan their coursework. This planner helps to ensure that from the very beginning of your college career, you are working towards meeting the minimum requirements to transfer to a UC.
To get a head start with your Sociology major, try to complete your lower division requirements at your community college. Use, the office source for articulation and student transfer information, to see if SOCI 1, SOCI 2, or SOCI 60 have an articulation agreement with your college.
- IMPORTANT!: If you have accepted your UCSD admission, and are in need of disability accommodations please make sure you make an appointment with UCSD's Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) as soon as possible to ensure you receive your accommodations when the quarter begins. Please refer to OSD's page linked here:
- About OSD: The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) at UC San Diego works with undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students with documented disabilities, reviewing documentation and, through an interactive process with the student, determining reasonable accommodations that a student can use for their classes.
Disabilities can occur in the following areas: psychological, psychiatric, learning, attention, chronic health, physical, vision, hearing, acquired brain injuries, and autism, and may occur at any time during a student’s college career. We encourage you to contact the OSD as soon as you become aware of a condition that is disabling so that they can work with you. - Once OSD Accommodations have been established, please review to our information page on requesting Accommodations for Sociology courses.
Transferring Credit
Transfer students may have courses that are deemed transferable from another UC campus, four-year or two-year institution, or California Community College.
Any UC-transferable Community College Sociology courses that are not articulated on will automatically be accepted toward your lower division elective requirement.
It is not uncommon for transfer students to have only partially completed the lower division requirements.
Summer Courses
You can also get a head start by taking Summer classes at UCSD! See our Sociology Summer Session page for further information.
Special Academic Programs
Our department has a variety of academic programs that students can participate in to petition/ have count towards their major requirements. This includes Study Abroad Programs, Internship opportunities, and Research Opportunities. See our Special Academic Programs Page for further information and application timelines.
As a transfer student you will want to plan ahead to see what you may be interested in participating in since your time at UCSD is more restricted than a 4 year student. When in doubt ask an advisor for assistance.
Lower Division Coursework
Overview of Lower Division Coursework:
There are four lower division requirements for the major which are:
- SOCI 1: Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 2: The Study of Society
SOCI 60: The Practice of Social Research - Sociology Lower Division Elective
For the SOCI LD elective requirement, UCSD offers SOCI 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 70 during the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters (courses subject to availability and are not offered all at one time, refer to our Annual Schedule for current offerings)
We will also accept any UC transferable Sociology course (outside of courses articulated as SOCI 1, 2, and 60) to fulfill the Sociology lower division elective requirement
Please check to find out if you have taken the appropriate transfer courses at you community college
A 2.0 GPA is required in the major and students must earn a C- or better in each course to be used for the sociology major. All courses taken for the major must be taken for a letter grade, with the exception of Sociology 199 which can only be taken P/NP. Only one such special studies course may be applied toward the major.
Upper Division Coursework & Concentrations in the Major
Overview of Upper Division Coursework/ Concentrations:
An overview of our Upper Division (UD) requirements can be located on our program information page. Students may choose to major in either General Sociology or one of our seven concentrations. Both options require the same amount of coursework. Courses for each concentration are listed in our degree tracking sheet.
A 2.0 GPA is required in the major and students must earn a C- or better in each course to be used for the sociology major. All courses taken for the major must be taken for a letter grade, with the exception of Sociology 199 which can only be taken P/NP. Only one such special studies course may be applied toward the major.
Course Recommendations for Fall
Now that I have been accepted as a UCSD Transfer Student, what should I enroll in for Fall?
It is recommended that you enroll in 3 courses (12 units) to 4 courses (16 units) during your first quarter. You will need a minimum of 12 units in order to be a full-time student.
Carefully review the “Transfer Courses” section of your academic history to avoid taking coursework for which you already have credit as UC San Diego does not award duplicate credit. If you have questions on whether you have completed a course, please reach out to Sociology Advising via New Triton Advising in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).
Below, we have laid out two example routes for Fall course recommendations based on whether you have taken SOCI 60 at your community college, or whether you have not taken SOCI 60 at your community college.
Please note that these are only the recommendations for your Sociology major requirements. You will also be taking General Education (GE) course requirements for the UCSD College that you were assigned to (Seventh, Sixth, Roosevelt, Warren, Marshall, Muir, or Revelle). Please plan accordingly.
We recommend one of the following options listed below for Fall.
Course recommendations for Fall:
Option #1- If you have not taken SOCI 60* at your college, then we recommend enrolling in:
- SOCI 60: Introduction to Research Methods (see note below regarding SOCI 60)
- (You will need to enroll in SOCI 100 in a following quarter if this option is relevant to you)
- (You will need to enroll in SOCI 100 in a following quarter if this option is relevant to you)
- One to two Sociology upper-division electives (SOCI 111-199)
- If you are planning on completing 3 courses (12 units), then choose one UD Elective; if you plan to take 4 courses (16 units) then take two Sociology UD electives
- Students who have a concentration can choose to take UD Concentration Electives
- A College requirement (see your UCSD college for recommendations)
Option #2- If you have taken SOCI 60* at your college, then we recommend enrolling in one of the following plans.
- SOCI 100: Classical Sociological Theory
- One to two Sociology upper-division electives (SOCI 111-199)
- If you are planning on completing 3 courses (12 units), then choose one UD Elective; if you plan to take 4 courses (16 units) then take two Sociology UD electives
- Students who have a concentration can choose to take UD Concentration Electives
- A College requirement (see your UCSD college for recommendations)
- Two to three upper-division electives (SOCI 111-199)
- (If you choose to do two upper-division courses for Fall you will need to plan to take SOCI 100 in a following quarter)
- Students who have a concentration can choose to take UD Concentration Electives
- And College requirement (see your college for recommendations)
Students will make good academic progress towards completing the Sociology major whether they choose to take SOCI 100 in Fall or in a following quarter.
*Note regarding SOCI 60:
- Please check to find out if you have taken the appropriate transfer course to fulfill SOCI 60 at UCSD
- If you've taken an equivalent of SOCI 60 at your community college and believe it should apply towards the major requirements, but do not see it listed on your degree audit?
- Please reach out to our advisors via New Triton Advising in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC), they'll be able to advise you further and make any necessary adjustments
- Unsure if you've completed SOCI 60 or another lower division requirement?
- Please reach out to our advisors via New Triton Advising in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).
- Please note that transcripts must be received and processed by UCSD Admissions and uploaded to your UCSD transcripts in order for Advisors to make specific recommendations
Taken SOCI 60 already and Unsure of which path to choose between for option #2?
The best choice for you will vary, as it will depend on course availabilities and your interests.
SOCI 100: Classical Sociological Theory, is a core Upper Division course that provides students with a background in classical social theory, and to show its relevance to contemporary sociology. As such, it is a great course to have completed as you continue in your upper-division electives. However, due to the nature of the course, students may find it to be a challenging one to take in their first quarter at UCSD, and would prefer to instead take two upper-division elective courses as they get used to the quarter system.
Alternatively, the course time for SOCI 100 may not work with their planned schedule for other courses, or they may not be able to enroll in SOCI 100 due the course filling up, and as a result can instead take two Sociology upper-division electives.
Haven't Taken all Lower Division Requirements for the Sociology major yet?
- If you have not completed our other lower division requirements at your Community College (SOCI 1, SOCI 2, SOCI LE elective), then you will need to plan accordingly to complete and incorporate them into your plans
- Lower Division courses are not required to take Upper Division electives.
- Please note, SOCI 1 is only offered during Fall, and SOCI 2 is only offered during Winter each Academic Year.
Getting Ready for Fall Enrollment
Getting Ready for Enrollment
The following steps will help you get ready for enrollment in Fall:
- View our Sociology Annual Schedule for an overview of our course listings for the year. This page is helpful to visit each quarter for updates to courses.
- Choose courses based on our recommendations above. Please refer to the Schedule of Classes to see specific course times for Fall and to initially plan your Fall schedule. Download our Sociology degree tracking sheet to keep track of your major progress (and to view courses specific to a concentration).
- Learn How to use the Schedule of classes with the following tutorial.
- When reviewing what courses you want to take it's helpful to have our annual schedule open, as well as the Schedule of classes, and our degree tracking sheet.
- Keep in mind that only the Sociology courses listed on our Annual Schedule and the Schedule of classes are available for a certain quarter or year. Offering vary year to year.
- Watch the online WebReg tutorial. You will use WebReg to add, plan, and enroll in courses at UCSD. You may need to submit an EASy request for the course you would like to take (see note below on EASy requests).
- We commend planning courses that you would like to take and adding them to your enrollment cart prior to your enrollment time for Fall, this way you are ready once your enrollment time begins. When your enrollment time begins you will be able to enroll for Fall classes.
- If you do not have the proper pre-requisites to enroll in a course due to transcripts pending being added to UCSD (for example- you may be just shy of Upper Division standing), then please submit an enrollment request via the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy).
- Learn about how to view and access your Degree Audit. This is an extremely helpful tool to know as it will reflect requirements that you need to take across your Major(s), Minor(s), College, and for University requirements.
- Learn about UCSD's Two Pass enrollment system: Two Pass Enrollment System Information (ERC Resource)
- Learn about how to Enroll in your courses at UCSD
- Advising will likely be quite different from what you might be used to, view the following resources for an introduction to UCSD advising:
- Overview of UCSD Advising
- College Advising Introduction.
- Video on how to use the Virtual Advising Center
The Virtual Advising Center (VAC) is a great way to contact an advisor for a quick question, urgent question, or for general check-ins for academic progress.
- Review resources to help you improve academic achievement, make connections on campus, and succeed as a student at UC San Diego.
- When in doubt about how to enroll in a Sociology course, or whether the course is the best option to you, please reach out to Sociology Advising via via New Triton Advising in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).
Section and Enrollment Information (Lower Division & SOCI 100)
Section and Enrollment Information:
For our lower division courses (SOCI 1, 2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, & 70) and theory course (SOCI 100):- You will register for the one-hour weekly discussion section and not the lecture in these courses. Registering for the discussion section will automatically register you in the lecture.
- We will release a limited amount of seats in each discussion section and select Upper Division Electives just prior to transfer student enrollment
Example 1st year and 2 Year Plans
Accessing 2 Year Plans:
All UC San Diego two and four year degree plans can be found online at:
These plans are to be used for a guideline only. The plans reflect the option to take 12 units per Students who are interested in pursing 16 units a quarter can add additional Upper division elective courses, or Upper division Concentration Courses.
Example 1st year transfer plans:
Please see below for example plans of what Sociology courses you can expect to take in your first year as a transfer student. Please note that these plans do not include what you might need for your College or other University requirements, only for your Sociology major. These plans are to be used for a guideline only. The plans reflect the option to take between 12- 16 units per quarter, you minimally must enroll in 12 units per quarter to be full time student status.
Students Majoring in General Sociology
If a student has not completed an equivalent of SOCI 60:
- It is recommended to enroll in the following for your first year-
- FALL- SOCI 60 & one to two SOCI UD Electives
- WINTER- SOCI 100 & one to two SOCI UD Electives
- SPRING- SOCI METHOD & one to two SOCI UD Electives
If a student has completed an equivalent of SOCI 60:
- It is recommended to enroll in the following for your first year-
- FALL- SOCI 100 & one to two SOCI UD Elective
- or Two to three SOCI UD Electives
- WINTER- SOCI METHOD & one to two SOCI UD Electives
- SPRING- SOCI UD Elective & one to two SOCI UD Electives
- FALL- SOCI 100 & one to two SOCI UD Elective
Students Majoring in a Sociology Concentration
If a student has not completed an equivalent of SOCI 60:
- It is recommended to enroll in the following for your first year-
- FALL- SOCI 60, SOCI UD Concentration Electives, SOCI UD Elective
- WINTER- SOCI 100, SOCI UD Concentration Electives, SOCI UD Elective
- SPRING- SOCI METHOD, SOCI UD Concentration Electives, SOCI UD Elective
If a student has completed an equivalent of SOCI 60:
- It is recommended to enroll in the following for your first year-
- FALL- SOCI 100 & SOCI UD Concentration Elective, SOCI UD Elective
- or Two SOCI UD Concentration Electives & SOCI UD Elective
- WINTER- SOCI METHOD, SOCI UD Concentration Electives, SOCI UD Elective
- SPRING- SOCI UD Elective & one to two SOCI UD Concentration Electives
- FALL- SOCI 100 & SOCI UD Concentration Elective, SOCI UD Elective
Additional Campus Resources
See these additional resources for UCSD transfer students:
- All Campus Transfer Association (ACTA) provides social opportunities, study groups, and a transfer student listserv. ACTA can even help you find a roommate.
- Transfer Student Success & the Transfer Hub provides resources, services, and programs to empower Triton Transfers to achieve their goals as they navigate UC San Diego's academic and cultural landscape.-
- Transfer Hub Quick Resources (Helpful ways to receive support in different areas)-
- New Transfer Guide (Transfer Hub Resource):
- Transfer Hub Peer Coaching is here to support transfer students' academic, personal, and professional success through a variety of coaching programs and services-
- If you're a transfer student who lives off campus, you're also a commuter student. The Commuter Student Services Office offers a place to hang out between classes, a locker, real-time traffic information, housing information, and opportunities to get involved. For more information, contact Commuter Student Programs, (858) 534-3670.
- The Triton Transfer Connect Program is provided each summer for new transfer students entering UCSD in the Fall Quarter. It helps students find housing, roommates, and friends. For more information, contact Commuter Student Programs, (858) 534-3670.
- Admissions Office-
- International Students and Programs Office -
- Career Services Center -
- Student Abroad Office -
- Academic Internship Program -
- Academic Integrity Office -
- Geisel Library -